Concerning our company's novel coronavirus infection control measures

Our infection control measures are taking into consideration all possible contact points between our employees and customers.


Office hygiene management

✔︎Implemented consistent hand washing and sanitization with easily accessible alcohol based hand sanitizers placed throughout the office

✔︎Made it common knowledge that masks are required for all staff and visitors

✔︎Conduct regularly scheduled office space sanitization

✔︎Use of air-conditioning units for regular ventilation

✔︎Monitor staff health conditions

We ask visitors to our office to cooperate in taking a health check.


Arrangements by Tourism Facilities

✔︎We restrict business to facilities which are taking appropriate infection control measures. As necessary, we make arrangements for information distribution to ensure such operations as transportation and lodging are implementing proper safety measures.

✔︎We plan travel itineraries which implement appropriate infection control measures.


infection status to implement preventative measures. Currently, we continue to reduce the risk of infection in business negotiations and commuting by reducing face-to-face communications and altering operational hours. We apologize for the inconvenience of handling business over the phone and online, but kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation.


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