Introduction to Our Company's Activities

 Our company acts as an intermediary that coordinates local operation for you, we can even act as an outlet for advertising and promotions. Annually, we invite many international media agencies, influencers, and consumer reporters to promote Japanese tourism. We aim to showcase the parts of Japan that are still lacking global awareness.


Noteworthy Collaborations:

✔︎Together with the Taiwanese publishing company, Sharp Point Publishing(尖端出版), we published Chiba Prefecture's first guide book used by the Taiwanese influencers, Pujie Girls.

✔︎Working with Hong Kong's Television Broadcasts Limited(無綫電視), we broadcasted a special Chiba tourism spotlight on the show, Fun Abroad(3日2夜).

✔︎We use social media to coordinate promotions through popular influencers like Ciao Ciao(于卉喬).


 Additionally, we attend international exhibitions around the world and promote to both individual consumers as well as travel companies. This includes sharing some of our favorite Japanese Wines abroad and promoting them through local events and other outlets.

Going forward I would also like to promote the variety of vegan cuisine that can be found in Japan. Restaurants offering vegan options have been on the rise. The Japanese government is also supporting the industry, so there is potential to see many changes all at once. If you are interested in collaborating, we can offer a diverse set of services ranging from pamphlet design, translation, and distribution, to event staff deployment. Please contact us for more information.